
Pacifiers, dummies, comforters, or binkies...

Whatever you call them, they can help soothe and calm baby and turn screams and sobs into smiles.

Even if you think you won't use one, you won't be the first to change your mind.

There are some studies that show that using a pacifier while your baby sleeps can mean a reduced risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). It's not clear exactly why this is the case and there's no need to give your baby a pacifier to prevent cot death, but it may make you feel a little less guilty if you choose to.

Here at Tommee Tippee, we say do what's right for you and your baby, today and tomorrow and the day after that. We're here to make that as easy and guilt-free as we can.

More than 50 years of experience

We started making baby products in 1965 with one clear goal: to make life simpler for real families.

We've listened to the real challenges faced by families - that's why you'll find Tommee Tippee pacifiers that glow in the dark (easier to spot at 2am) and baby-proof pacifier holders so they can't be flung out of the pushchair.

Designs that grow with your baby

To make it easy and comfortable for baby to start using their pacifier, Tommee Tippee pacifiers are specially designed to feel familiar, with a breast-shaped baglet to suit your baby's needs. (The baglet is the part of the pacifier that the baby sucks).

Because all our pacifiers use the same nipple design, you can easily mix and match between them, and your baby is more likely to accept them first time.

Our pacifiers are available in a range of sizes from newborn up to 36m for little people who need a pacifier for comfort when they sleep. It’s important you choose the right pacifier for your baby’s age stage as the baglets are shaped to support baby’s changing palate and oral development.

Close up of A blue and White Breast-like Pacifier on table

A reassuring alternative to traditional pacifiers

When mum's breast isn't available, our Breast-like pacifier is the next best thing for baby to latch onto in between feeds.

Specialist pacifiers

Ultra-light Silicone pacifier

Our lightest pacifier ever stays put in the littlest mouths so you don't have to replace it every few minutes. Perfect for newborns who need something light and breathable to soothe them!

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Breast-like pacifier

The most breast-like pacifier for baby to latch onto in between feeds - because babies always prefer it that way!

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Close up of baby's face with fun style pacifier in their mouth

Everyday Pacifiers